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Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) (1992)

The SNES was Nintendo’s First 16-BIT console and its main rival at the time was Sega’s Mega Drive (Sega Genesis in US). The SNES impressed gamers with its very advanced graphics at the time. The SNES features true stereo sound, multiple scrolling backgrounds and twice the RAM of the older NES console. The SNES also has giant-sized Game Paks to allow games that can take weeks to explore.

The SNES’s built in DSP (Digital Signal Processor) is responsible for the consoles “Mode 7” which allows the console to twist and spin 2D images in games. This allows for Pseudo-3D tracks in games like Super Mario Kart.

The SNES’s game library has over 500 titles and holds many classics like Super Mario World; The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past; Donkey Kong Country; Super Metroid and Super Mario Kart. These are all great games and helped to the SNES’s worldwide success.

The SNES’s controller is based off of the original NES controller but with many more improvements that make it much more advanced than its predecessor. The controller had a more comfortable design, shoulder buttons, a comfortable and responsive d-pad and two extra buttons alongside the A and B buttons.

Certain SNES cartridges contain a chip called the Super FX Chip, the first game to use the Super FX Chip was Star Wing. The Super FX Chip allowed for games with proper polygons which made games look and fell 3D. Later on in the SNES’s life the Super FX Chip 2 was introduced. This was used to create the warping and bending effects in Yoshi’s Island.

Super Game Boy

The Super Game Boy allowed for Game Boy games to be played on your TV through the SNES system. The Super Game Boy does not require a Game Boy System to operate just plug a Game Boy Pak into it and connect it into your SNES system and it is ready to play. Black and White games were shown in colour on the TV screen when played with the Super Game Boy. You can also design a border for your games to appear around the game while you play.

With the Super Game Boy 2 you can connect it to another Game Boy System to use the Games Link Up features. The Super Game Boy is incompatible with GBC and GBA games and will only play original Game Boy Games. Look for the Super Game Boy icon on selected Game Paks to see if a game can use the Super Game Boy’s advanced Features.

Super Nintendo Score Master

The Score Master is an arcade joystick that connects directly into the SNES’s Controller port and can provide more control in certain games with the use of its joystick.

Super Nintendo Mouse

The Super Nintendo Mouse shipped with Mario Paint. It connects to the SNES Controller port 1 and provides an easy way to create Mario inspired masterpieces in Mario Paint. It has 2 mouse buttons. Look for the Super Nintendo Mouse icon on compatible Game Paks to find games that are compatible with the mouse.

Technical Details

CPU = 16-bit 65816 processor, 2.68MHz
Graphics Processor - 16-bit
Memory - RAM: 1 Mbit, Video RAM: 0.5 Mbit, Cart Size: 2 Mbit - 48 Mbit
Display - 512 x 448 pixel maximum resolution, 32,768 colours, 256 colours on-screen, 64 x 64 pixel maximum sprite size, 128 sprites on-screen Size - 200mm x 72mm x 242mm
Video Output - RF, RGB, S-Video
Sound Chip - 8-Bit Sony SPC700, 8 Sound Channels
Other Features - Mode 7, Two Controller Ports